
Dr. Bhaskar S
Managing Director

61 year old orthopedic surgeon, S/o Late Dr. P.S. Bhat practicing since 1982 in Puttur. He was managing his own 25 bed nursing home for 20 years. He is the past president of Puttur Jaycees, IMA Puttur, Rotary club Puttur. Past chairman of Rotary Campco Blood Bank of Rotary Club Puttur and patient right protection committee of IMA Puttur. He is the past district governor of Rotary Dist 3180. Keen sports lover, good Tennis & Badminton player.

Dr. Soorya Narayana K

59 Year old Ayurvedic Physician practicing since 1987 in Puttur. He is the past president of Rotary club Puttur East. Likes Agriculture & Music.

Dr. Sathyasundar Rao M

60 Year old orthopedic surgeon practicing since 1985 in Puttur. Owns 20 bed Sathya Sai nursing home. He is the past president of Puttur Jaycees, Doctors forum & IMA Puttur. He is the president of Sathya Sai seva samithi Puttur. Likes social service & music.

Dr. Muralidhara Y K

54 Year old Diabetologist practicing at Nellyady since 1997. He owns 30 bed Ashwini hospital at Nellyady. He is the past president of Nellyady Jaycees. Likes music.

Dr. Anil S Baipadithaya

44 year old gynecologist practicing since 2005 in Puttur. Also works at KVG Medical College Sullia as Asst.Professor in the department of OBG. Likes Travelling & driving.

Dr. Subrahmanya Bhat

63 year old Microbiologist practiced as general practitioner at Kanyana a rural village for 28 years. Past president of Lions club Vittal. Presently working as Asst.Professor of department of Microbiology KVG Medical College Sullia.

Dr. M.S. Shenoy

72 Year old pediatrician practicing since 1970 in Puttur. He was the Asst. surgeon from 1970 for 6 years. He is active in social and sports organizations of Puttur. He likes sports & music.

Dr. Gopinath Pai

55 year old general surgeon practicing since 1998 in Puttur.He was manging40 bedded hospital Girija clinic in Puttur. He is MBA in hospital management, pastpresident of IMA Puttur and Doctors Forum Puttur. Also works as Professor of surgery at KVG Medical college Sullia. Likes sports & music.

Dr.K. Ramadevi

68 year old Gynecologist practicing in Puttur since 1975. Had own 10 bedded maternity hospital- Nisarga health Centre and has worked as Asso. Professor in the department of OBG at KVG Medical college Sullia.

Shareholder Doctors

PCH - Puttur City Hospital is a multi specialty hospital which is started by qualified doctors practicing in Puttur, a taluk head quarters with the motto "FOR TOTAL HEALTH CARE" to everyone at an affordable price under one roof.